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A member registered Jun 06, 2021

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Thank you so much 馃グ We had a blast making it. Glad you enjoyed it! Had other music in the works but couldn't finish it in time, so just made the one pleasant loop 鉂わ笍

Thank you!! Yeah absolutely will check your game out after dinner 馃槉 

Thank you so much for your kind words 馃グ

Ahh took me some time to make it work. But I get it now. 
However from second level on I couldn't get the golfer to swing easily. That or he taps it himself.

Still, great concept for a jam and well put together considering the time limits! With a little polish could be a very addictive game.
Music is also awesome.

I thought that's what you were meant to do?  Couldn't move the ball otherwise! Aha.

Will try again before rating

Thank you =) We appreciate your time in playing the game!

I had actually planned to write more music but ended up only managing the one polished off track.

Pretty fun, I enjoy the art style. Music is certainly unique!

I kept dying on the third(?) level. The first with 3 sets of spikes on both halfs. Infact its your first screenshot on the side. There was some form of invisible spike that was killing my characters when they both landed safely.